The opinions expressed by the bloggers below and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Ryma Technology Solutions. As they say, you can't innovate without breaking a few eggs...
It's today's hot topic and 'must-have' skill to manage, organize and analyze the flood of market, product,and organizational information ... make better product decisions ... and become more strategic. Wishyou could analysis the flood of information coming into the product management team and drawaccurate conclusions from all the market evidence gathered? Eliminate uncertainty when making high-stakes decisions? Develop better product strategies?Ok then, first thing to do is improve your Product ...
I've blogged in the past about the Seven Pillars of Product Management and indicated that theactivities of each of the pillars are asynchronous. We tend to think of the Seven Pillars as if they were aframework of process flowing from left to right, which isn't correct. The Seven Pillars are asynchronousactivities working concurrently. Each Pillar consumes and produces stock piles of product managementassets such as the problem statement or market requirement. The Seven Pillars are adapted to man...
Someone out in the Twitter world just recently typed out in frustration: "Not all products have to be social!". Well, that is an assertion that is requiring support more and more of the time. What once was an EXCITEMENT requirement, is now rapidly becoming a BASIC requirement. I don't think the majority of product manager's would agree with his notion.
In Eric Von Hipple's book "Democratizing Innovation" (2006), a great case is made for social products, of one degree or another. Now this book w...