The opinions expressed by the bloggers below and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Ryma Technology Solutions. As they say, you can't innovate without breaking a few eggs...
It’s sometimes a lot easier to build great technology than it is to properly identify your target customer and ideal market. Sure you may have found a market that has great potential. However, once deployed, will your solution have a significant impact? When defining your target market, here are three questions that you should be asking:
Who has the pain?
Before getting a chance of successfully selling a product, you need to have a very good idea of the target customer. This is the person th...
‘What Men and Women Really Want’ - that was the question attempted to be answered by an article I was recently sent to read – and while the busy infographic hurt my eyes, and the answers themselves amused me, what I really found interesting was the means of getting the answers.
Social media monitoring company NetBase had gathered up, then sliced and diced, a year’s worth (over 27 billiion) of online conversation to come up with a summary of the results presented in a brightly colour...
Keith Goffin’s webinar, Identifying Customers’ Hidden Needs, was presented March 14, 2012.
Many senior managers want their organizations to develop breakthrough products and ask their R&D departments to come up with the equivalent of the iPod or iPhone. Unfortunately, most organizations struggle to come up with novel product concepts, and of the thousands of new products developed worldwide each year, product failure is more common than success. A key cause of failure is that new pr...