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Workflows in FeaturePlan
Did you know...
In FeaturePlan, you can use workflows to automate some of your tasks. There are currently two types of tasks that you can automate using workflows: Notifications and Cascading
Status Changes.
About Notification Workflows
In FeaturePlan, stakeholders are individuals and groups that have a particular interest in a product or record. Notification Workflows in FeaturePlan, allow you to set up groups of
stakeholders who will be notified by e-mail whenever changes are made to records or when new records are created.
About Cascading Status Change Workflows
You can use Cascading Status Change workflows to update the status of records based on specified workflow rules and in response to user-initiated status changes. This allows you to,
for example, set up a rule that automatically changes the status of all attached requirements when your release status changes.
You can also have a Cascading Status Change workflow change the status of reference records and any records that are related. So when the status of a release changes, everything
down to your enhancement requests have their statuses changed. You can have the statuses change only if they are a specific value, or you can have them changed regardless of their
current state.
In other words, you may only want to change the status of enhancement requests that are currently set at Approved to Delivered, while the ones that are currently Rejected should
remain as is.
One limitation of cascading status changes is that the same record cannot be updated more than once in a transaction (a set of cascading status changes) therefore preventing an infinite
loop of updates from occurring.